Ülestõusmispühad Roomas

Keegi osalenud? Kas rahvamurd on väga häiriv? Vaatasin, et odavamad hotellid panevad sel ajal kohe 20 EUR hinnale otsa. Millised oleks alternatiivid ööbimisele Roomas.


20 Holy Thursday Vatican Basilica, at 9.30 Chrismal Mass

Basilica of Saint John Lateran, at 17.30 CAPPELLA PAPALE Beginning of the Paschal Triduum Mass of the Lord's Supper

21 Good Friday Vatican Basilica, at 17.00 CAPPELLA PAPALE Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Colosseum, at 21.15 Way of the Cross

22 Holy Saturday Vatican Basilica, at 21.00 CAPPELLA PAPALE Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

23 Easter Sunday Saint Peter's Square, at 10.30 Holy Mass of the Day with the "Resurrexit" Rite

Central Loggia of the Vatican Basilica, at 12.00 "Urbi et Orbi" Message and Blessing

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