Mehhiko turismikaardi kaotus, KIIRE

Palun kas keegi oskab aidata, olen hetkel Mehhikos ja avastasin, et olen oma turistikaardi kaotanud. Tagasilend juba sellel laupärval (26.01.02019). Kuhu pean põõrduma ja kas lennujaamas saab enne tagasilendu ka asja korraldada. Reisin koos oma pere ja sõpradega, teistel kõik paberid alles. Millise summaga peaks arvestama. 

What happens if I lose my Tourist Card while in Mexico?Two things can happen:If you obtained your Tourist Card online, you just find a computer and print a new form. Please be aware that you may need to pay a fine of up to $60.00 USD depending on the Immigration Authorities.​If you lost a "handwritten" Tourist Card, then you have to make an appointment with an Immigration Office to get a new form. Please be aware that you may need to pay a fine of up to $60.00 USD to replace it vaat ka siit nr3 ja 4
