Sakslased on läbi viimas uuringut, mille raames nad soovivad leida intervjueerimiseks püsivalt Saksamaaga seotud eestist pärit inimesi. Siin on kindlasti selliseid, kes kriteeriumitele vastavad ja ehk on mõni teist nõus ka hea eesmärgi nimel mõnele küsimusele vastama. Lisan abipaluja info siia otse inglise keelest:
Dear all, The European Forum for Migration Studies (efms) is looking for Estonians living in Germany who are willing to answer a couple of questions concerning their migration experience, especially personal experiences and stories. It is more like a casual conversation than an official interview. If you are between 25 and 35 years old and currently live in Germany just send me a message. I appreciate any help Kind regards Elisabeth Reich [email protected]