Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2008

English Heritage are again expected to provide "Managed Open Access" to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice. Please help to create a peaceful occasion by taking personal responsibility and following the conditions (see below).

The car park (on the Western side, enter off the A303 from the roundabout - it's signposted) will open at around 7pm on Friday 20th June, and close at around noon on Saturday 21st June. Note that last admission to the car park for vehicles is at around 6am.

Access to the stones themselves is expected to be from around 8.30pm on Friday 20th June until 8am on Saturday 21st June.

Van loads of police have been present in the area in case of any trouble, but generally a jovial mood prevails. Few arrests have been made in previous years, mostly in relation to minor drug offences.

Toilets and drinking water are available and welfare is provided by St Johns Ambulance. There are normally one or two food and drink vans with reasonable prices but huge queues, all well away from the stones themselves. Sunrise is at around 4:45am.

Rules include no camping, no dogs, no fires or fireworks, no glass bottles, no large bags or rucksacks, and no climbing onto the stones. Please respect the rules so that we're all able to enjoy the solstice morning at Stonehenge for years to come.

P.S. Parkimine ja sissepääs on tasuta, atmosfäär on super. Tuleb kokku väga-väga palju rahvast! Toitu-jooki on piisavalt saadaval.
