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Kui oled juba riigis, siis võid kohapeal reisida sama vabalt nagu kohalikudki (sandboxi reegleid arvesse võttes kui need sulle kehtivad). Näiteks ei pea vaktsineeritud inimesed tegema siseriiklikel lendudel teste. Tuleb küll distantsi hoida ja maski kanda, kuid muidu on siseturism soodustatud.
Tundub, et Tai paneb selleks hooajaks kõik mängu ja piiranguid lõdvendatakse oluliselt, et keegigi riiki tuleks.

Siin on hea selgitus Certificate Of Entry't asendama hakkava Thailand Passi kohta. Nüüd pääseb karantiinivabalt Taisse 63st riigist.

Viimased uudised kohalikest piirangutes on kirjas siin.

Siin on puust ja punaselt mida provintsides teha võib.


Info Tai Kuningriigi saatkonnast Soomes 27.10.2021 seisuga:

***From 1 Nov 2021 Thailand Pass will be replacing COE. Travelers can register in the Thailand Pass system at least 7 days prior to travel. The system will open for registration from 1 Nov 2021. Here is the link https://tp.consular.go.th/

1. Finland and Estonia are among the countries that have been granted permission to travel to Thailand according to the Thai Government's Reopening Plan.

2. For travelers from Finland and Estonia who will enter Thailand (exclude the Sandbox Program) please check the following instructions before travelling:

2.1 Residing in Finland and Estonia for at least 21 days

2.2 Have a negative test result for COVID-19 by RT PCR within 72 hours before departure.

2.3 Obtain documents confirming completed doses of COVID-19 vaccination at least 14 days prior to departure.

2.4 Proof of payment at the Hotel with Alternative Quarantine package or SHA+ for 1 day (due to waiting for the results of the COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport)

2.5 For foreigners, must have insurance that covers the expenses of COVID-19 medical treatments for the whole period of stay in Thailand, not less than 50,000 USD, except Thai nationals do not need insurance.

3. For travelers entering Thailand in the Sandbox Program, please check the following instructions before travelling:

3.1 Residing in Finland and Estonia for at least 21 days

3.2 Have a negative test result for COVID-19 by RT PCR within 72 hours before departure.

3.3 Obtain documents confirming completed doses of COVID-19 vaccination at least 14 days prior to departure.

3.4 proof of payment at SHA+ hotel 7 days

3.5 For foreigners, must have insurance that covers the expenses of COVID-19 medical treatments for the whole period of stay in Thailand, not less than 50,000 USD, except Thai nationals do not need insurance.

4. For travelers who do not obtained the completed dose of the COVID-19 vaccination or vaccination details does not meet the specified requirements

4.1 Residing in Finland and Estonia for at least 21 days

4.2 Have a negative test result for COVID-19 by RT PCR within 72 hours before departure.

4.3 Proof of payment for accommodation in Alternative Quarantine hotels for 10 days.

4.4 For foreigners, must have insurance that covers the expenses of COVID-19 medical treatments for the whole period of stay in Thailand, not less than 50,000 USD, except Thai nationals do not need insurance.

5. For children under 12 years old, who are not vaccinated and travel with their parents, are eligible to enter to Thailand under the same conditions as same as their parents

6. In case of travelers, who were infected with COVID-19 and already have received medical treatment and recovered from all symptoms, must have a medical certificate confirming that the travelers have been infected by the COVID-19, and received at least 1 dose of the COVID-19 vaccines within 3 months after infection before the trip at least 14 days.


Procedure for Thailand Pass online registration to enter Thailand after November 1, 2021

1. Travelers can register in Thailand Pass system (tp.consular.go.th) at least 7 days prior to travel. The system will open for registration from 1 Nov 2021.

2. Fill in the information and upload the relevant documents.

3. Department of Disease Control will considers vaccination certificates. After approval, travelers will receive a Thailand Pass QR Code to use for entering Thailand.


Kas Tai jaoks on inimene vaktsineeritud, kui ta on põdenud läbi Covidi ning saanud ühe doosi vaktsiini?

Sellisel juhul loeb EU seda inimest täielikult vaktsineerituks ning lubab reisida, kuid kas ka Tai?


Kus saab sisestada sihtriigi ning kuupäev, et kontrollida kas vastav tõend selles riigis kehtib? Kontroll.digilugu.ee lehel sellist võimalust ei näe.


Läbipõetud koroona + 1 süst (nt AstraZeneca, Pfizer jne) on piisav, et olla enamike Euroopa riikide jaoks täielikult vaktsineeritud.

  • Läbipõetud koroona "ei aegu" - täielikult vaktsineeritud staatuse saamiseks piisab ühest doosist isegi kui põdesid koroonat näiteks rohkem kui aasta tagasi. Oluline, et digiloos oleks sellest ajast positiivne koroonatesti tulemus.
  • Tuleks täpsustada millised riigid seda aktsepteerivad. Helistades Terviseameti infoliinile loetleb spetsialist Sulle ette hulga riike mis seda aktsepteerivad (nt enamik EU riike), kuid samas loetleb ka mitmed mis ei aktsepteeri (nt Aasia, kuid ka mõned Euroopa riigid). Kõige kindlam on saatkonna järgi uurida, ma täpseid riike enam ei mäleta.

Kusjuures oli huvitav, et Terviseameti spetsialist rõhutas, et sellised reeglid on täna.


Kui olen Covidi läbi põdenud ning olen saanud ühe vaktsineerimissüsti, siis Euroopas loetakse mind täielikult vaktsineerituks.
Kas ka Tai loeb mind vaktsineerituks ning laseb riiki?

Ise vastan siin.


Erinevate välisriikide vahel reisides või Eestist mõnda välisriiki minemise puhul on enamasti tarvis negatiivset testi, vaktsineerimistõendit vms, kuid iga Eesti kodanik saab Eestisse tulevale lennukile ilma ühegi testita.

Vajadusel testitakse Tallinna lennujaamas tasuta ning positiivse leiu korral oled kodus karantiinis.

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Veiko, tänud asjakohase info eest!
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Kuidas nendes viimastes kohalik elu oli? Mis avatud, mis suletud?