Üldine elamine Londonis.

Nimelt, tulemas on lõpueksamid ja kui mul ei õnnestu saada nii palju punkte, nagu vaja, siis lasen ilmselt siit mandrilt jalga, Inglismaale, Londonisse. Huvitaks väga, kui lihtne on üldse Londonis hakkama saada. Oleks paar konkreetset küsimust kohe.

Kui kerge on tööle saada? - Ma olen kuulnud, et inglased pidid olema väga vaimustatud sellisest asjast nagu tööraamat, või kui minu endiselt tööandjalt on mingi konkreetne soovitus. See pidi hästi minema. Töötan telekomarketingi alal muidu, kuhu oleks üldse võimalik tööle saada? Mis võiks kujuneda palgaks?

Kui kallis on elamine? - Keskmine kulu toidule nädalas, freetime(nagu nt. pubis mõned õlled, klubis väike tants), kõige odavamad rendikulud, mis ma siiani leidnud olen on kusagil 125£ nädalas. Umbes sinna kanti kukubki?

Kas asi on seda väärt? - Kui siit Eestist ikka minema minna ja lõpuks seal Londonis oma esimese kuu ära oled vegeteerinud, kas on ikka vahe sees ka või?

Palju võiks olla algkapitali?

Ootaks väga konkreetseid vastuseid, kas siis Londonlastelt endalt või inimestelt, kes asjaga tõsti kursis.


Jätan inglise keelde, ei hakka tõlkima, see oleks siis neile, kes Suurbritannias tööintervjuudele lähevad, see konkreetne juhtum on Skandinaavia investeerimisfirma Skandia (kel oli siis minu puhul vaja soome keelt valdavat töötajat). Kuna olen nii mõnelgi intervjuul osalenud, siis need küsimused esinevad enamikul juhtudest ja ehk aitaks nende siiakleepimine kedagi kaasmaalast, kes võib oma kogemustebaasist vastused leida).

Competency-based Interview Questions

1.How have you dealt with a deadline in the past? Explain the steps you took in a previous role to ensure a deadline was met.

  1. How do you organise yourself?

Mention about the tools you use to remind yourself to do things, i.e. your calendar, diary, to do lists etc.

  1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

They should already know your strengths from your Application Form/CV or they would not be interviewing you, but if they ask about any weaknesses:

* Start by describing parts of your last job that you found testing but explain how you overcame these problems
* Be fairly brief but honest, e.g. "I can sometimes be a little too enthusiastic".

Note: Employers value people who can admit their mistakes rather than blaming their failings on others.

  1. What aspects of a job do you enjoy most?

Really exaggerate what you enjoyed in your last job and try to relate it to the job you are going for.

  1. Give me an example of how you have dealt with a difficult person?

This could be someone you worked with or a difficult customer. Be specific about what actions you took to deal with that person, i.e. remained calm, did not react to abusive language and tried to resolve issue professionally without aggravating them more.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Explain that you would ideally like to be working for the same company but to have developed within it.

  1. How would you deal with departmental change?

  2. Can you give me an example of when you have used your own initiative?

  3. How do you cope with pressure?

Describe the pressures in previous jobs using a recent example, e.g. how you coped with a changed deadline, completed a rush order or dealt with staff shortages.

  1. Do you know what the TCF Principle is?

This is Treating Customers Fairly and it basically means treating customers equally, despite race, gender, age etc. and it also means ensuring that you learn all aspects of your job to be able to provide an excellent service to the customers.

  1. Why do you want to work for Skandia?

It’s important to show enthusiasm when you are explaining why you want to work for the company.

  1. What would you bring to the team / company?

This is a chance to tell them how good you are! Tell them that you are hardworking, reliable, a good timekeeper, flexible, always there to help your colleagues etc.

  1. When would you be available to start?

As soon as possible! Do not put any barriers in the way.

  1. Do you have any questions?

You may like to prepare for this - it is almost always asked at the interview. You could ask:-

* Why is the job vacant?
* Why did the last person leave?
* Who would I report to?
* What training will I do, if any?
* What would my first job be?
* How soon will I hear about the result of my application?

More Sample Questions to Ask in an Interview

  1. Can you describe a typical working day in this role?
  2. Do you have other candidates to interview?
  3. Is there anything else I can do to convince you that I want this job?