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poliitika on selline, et kõik küsimused vastused peaks ühes teemas olema. Praegu on siis seis selline, et Navigaator vol 2 on juba 246 posti ja minu arvuti jookseb vaatamata 4G mälule kooma sellega. Teeks siis äkki vol 3, sest navigaatorite kaartid uuenevad ikka iga paari kuu tagalt. Tegelikult võiks olla eraldi Garmin ja eraldi Tom-tom ja siis kõik ülejäänud omaette

Et anna kikale teada, tõenäoliselt jookseb sql päring umbe. Vaja miskid pagerid peale panna.


Ikkagi on kurjajuurikas see lehe genereerija, ilmselt IE7, mis mälu nahka paneb. sql ainult pritsib datat välja, temal suht suva. Aga threadide lehed võiks olla 15-20 posti. Mega pikad threadid näitavad üldjuhul väga pikaleveninud teemat, või siis ühes teemas on a'la sada teemat koos.


Ma mõtlesin, et ma ainuke, aga küll asi saab lahendatud ;) Käisin kitumas nimelt, aeg annab arutust :D


JeGiptuses ju pohlad kuhu sõita, igapool ainult üks suur liivaväli :P , või tahad ND-le külla sõita, icc.


lehel korraga 150 kommi.


Ma loodan, et keegi ei pahanda, analüüs siis tehtud sellest VOL2-st.

Analysis and Recommendations TOTAL_HTML - Congratulations, the total number of HTML files on this page (including the main HTML file) is 1 which most browsers can multithread. Minimizing HTTP requests is key for web site optimization. Y TOTAL_OBJECTS - Warning! The total number of objects on this page is 50 which by their number will dominate web page delay. Consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Above 20 objects per page the overhead from dealing with the actual objects (description time and wait time) accounts for more than 80% of whole page latency. See Figure II-3: Relative distribution of latency components showing that object overhead dominates web page latency in Website Optimization Secrets for more details on how object overhead dominates web page latency. Combine, refine, and optimize your external objects. Replace graphic rollovers with CSS rollovers to speed display and minimize HTTP requests. Consider using CSS sprites to help consolidate decorative images. Using CSS techniques such as colored backgrounds, borders, or spacing instead of graphic techniques can reduce HTTP requests. Replace graphic text headers with CSS text headers to further reduce HTTP requests. Finally, consider optimizing parallel downloads by using different hostnames or a CDN to reduce object overhead. TOTAL_IMAGES - Warning! The total number of images on this page is 35 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Recommend combining, replacing, and optimizing your graphics. Replace graphic rollover menus with CSS rollover menus to speed display and minimize HTTP requests. Consider using CSS sprites to help consolidate decorative images. Use CSS techniques such as colored backgrounds, borders, or spacing instead of graphic techniques to reduce HTTP requests. Replace graphic text headers with CSS text headers to further reduce HTTP requests. Finally, consider optimizing parallel downloads by using different hostnames to reduce object overhead. TOTAL_CSS - Caution. The total number of external CSS files on this page is 5 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Because external CSS files must be in the HEAD of your HTML document, they must load first before any BODY content displays. Although they are cached upon subsequent requests, CSS files slow down the initial display of your page. Combine, refine, and optimize your external CSS files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed CSS for high-traffic pages) on your pages. You can optimize CSS files using shorthand properties, grouping, and then minify and GZIP compress them to reduce their footprint. Remember to place CSS files in the HEAD and JavaScript files at the end of the BODY to enable progressive display. TOTAL_SIZE - Warning! The total size of this page is 493955 bytes, which will load in 108.44 seconds on a 56Kbps modem. Consider reducing total page size to less than 100K to achieve sub 20 second response times on 56K connections. Pages over 100K exceed most attention thresholds at 56Kbps, even with feedback. Consider optimizing your site with Website Optimization Secrets, Speed Up Your Site or contacting us about our optimization services. TOTAL_SCRIPT - Warning! The total number of external script files on this page is 9 , consider reducing this to a more reasonable number. Combine, refactor, and minify to optimize your JavaScript files. Ideally you should have one (or even embed scripts for high-traffic pages) on your pages. Consider suturing JavaScript files together at the server to minimize HTTP requests. Placing external JavaScript files at the bottom of your BODY, and CSS files in the HEAD enables progressive display in XHTML web pages. HTML_SIZE - Warning! The total size of this HTML page is 291689 bytes, which is over 100K! Consider optimizing your HTML and eliminating unnecessary content and features. Recommend that you substitute abstract CSS rules for repeated embedded styles and eliminate as many comments and whitespace as possible. Using HTTP compression to compress your XHTML with GZIP can reduce your html by an average of 75%. IMAGES_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your images is 104328 bytes, which is over 100K. Consider switch graphic formats to achive smaller file sizes (from JPEG to PNG for example). Finally, substitute CSS techniques for graphics techniques to create colored borders, backgrounds, and spacing. SCRIPT_SIZE - Warning! The total size of external your scripts is 72951 bytes, which is over 20K. Consider optimizing your JavaScript for size, combining them, and using HTTP compression where appropriate for any scripts placed in the HEAD of your documents. You can substitute CSS menus for JavaScript-based menus to minimize or even eliminate the use of JavaScript. CSS_SIZE - Warning! The total size of your external CSS is 24987 bytes, which is over 20K. Consider optimizing your CSS for size by eliminating whitespace, using shorthand notation, and combining multiple CSS files where appropriate. By using labeled container cells and descendant selectors you can target chunks of HTML content efficiently without the need to embed extra claases and styles. MULTIM_SIZE - Congratulations, the total size of all your external multimedia files is 0 bytes, which is less than 10K.


Minul 256MB jooksutab küll, aga nii suuri postitusi võiks hakkida küll. Tegelikult juba paarikümne postituse järel on teema piisavalt vahetunud. Sadakond posti oleks vist piisav.


Kuidas see vanasõna oligi et.. don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you? Eesti keeles umbes, et ära riku ise ära seni hästi toiminud asja. Las igaüks postitab normaalse kaootilisusega kuidas soovib, nagu see kunagi ka oli, ja threadid püsivad normaalsed. Modedele jm funktsionäridele otsige mingi muu väljund ego kehtestamiseks. Nt muretsega koer, koolitage see sitsima jm subjektiivseid soove täitma. Nemad saavad rahulduse ja kasutajad rahu. ;)