Ikka, isegi selline vastus on meilile tulnud 20 minuti pärast peale makse sooritamist: (no-reply@cbp.dhs.gov)
ESTA Status Change
There has been an update to your ESTA Travel Authorization Status submitted on June 06, 2023. Please visit https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta to check your application.
ESTA Program Office
Kõik andmed peavad täpselt klappima taotluses esitatuga. Äkki sai passinumbrisse või sünnipäeva mingi viga sisse.
NOTE: Details entered to retrieve an application must exactly match the information entered in the ESTA application. Any discrepancy between information entered to retrieve an application and the information entered in the application itself will result in a “No Application Found” or “Application Expired” message.