- kellel kogemusi?

Kellel on kogemusi lennupiletite ostmisega veebilehelt - kas olete oma probleemid näiteks lendude tühistamise puhul saanud ilusti lahendatud ja kas keegi on sealt ostetud piletitega reaalselt reisil ka ära käinud?


Ei kommentaari. Minu kirjavahetus Ticketsiga seoses hinna muutusega kallimaks Mastercardiga maksmisel.We would like to inform you that the total price of your ticket in the amount of EUR XXX,XX was shown on the payment's page after you choose the method of payment. We have double-checked all the details with our appropriate department and found out that you were notified of that price before completing the payment.As you were informed previously, for the reservation which you have created on our website, there was a discount in the amount of EUR XX,XX only for the VISA CREDIT method of payment. Due to the fact, that you have selected the different one - MASTERCARD DEBIT, the price was calculated without discount.Please note that we, as an agency, are not interested in violation of your rights and want to provide you with the best service. We appreciate your active position regarding your issue and looking forward to our future cooperation.We apologize for all the inconveniences.Peale seda kui olin saatnud neile ekraanitõmmise ticketsi kodulehelt, kus näha pileti hind enne maksmist sain sellise vastuse:Regarding your question about the price of the ticket, we would like to inform you that we can not be responsible for the information displayed on the other web pages. In the particular case, you have been redirected to from the metasearch Momondo. That is why you might see the lowest price of the ticket providing by our agency (the price with the discount for the particular method of payment). After inputting all the details of the card, you might see that the price is higher if the discount does not apply to the method of payment you selected. The only information about the prices that should be considered as the valid ones, you can find on our web page. The time the fare changes from the side of the airline company, the database of our webpage updates first, and all the rest metasearch engines' base later. 


Tere,Endal oli sama kogemus nagu jaanapr-l. Kirjutasin ja sain nendelt järgmise vastuse:Thank you for contacting our Customer Care Service.As we can see you used a metasearch engine On that webpage, the price was mentioned with a discount that our agency can provide. As we can see, you selected a type Mastercard Debit that did not have that rebate. According to the information from the technical support, the lowest price was for Visa credit. It is not an extra fee for the transaction, it is a discount that you can get from our agency.


Tere!Kuni viimase korrani pole ka probleeme olnud aga nüüd siis on. Sai nende kaudu USA-sse piletid ostetud ja vähem kui 24h enne väljalendu tuli e-kiri, et lend on tühistatud. Pakuti asenduslendu 4 päeva hiljem või raha tagasi. Kuna pakutud lend ei sobinud ja oli vaja kiiremini kohale saada, sai raha tagasi küsitud ja mujalt järgmiseks päevaks uued piletid ostetud. Selle raha tagasi küsimise peale tuli aga vastus, et no vaatame mis lennufirma ütleb. Ja loomulikult tuligi siis uus kiri, et minu palve raha tagasi saada on tagasi lükatud ja kui ma siiski raha tagasi tahan, pean lennufirmaga otse kontakteeruma. Sai siis lennufirmale ehk LOT´ile otse kirjutatud ja ei mingit vastust. LOT pole suvatsenud vastata hoolimata korduvatest e-kirjadest. Sai uuesti poole pöördutud, et tegelegu ise oma LOT-iga ja maksku meile raha tagasi, ostsime piletid ju nende süsteemi kaudu. Nende vastus oli umbes selline, et kas te aru ei saanud, et LOTi poole on vaja pöörduda. On keegi sarnases situatsioonis olnud? veeretab enda kaelast vastutuse ära, LOT ei vasta hoolimata korduvalt saadetud e-kirjadest. Kuhu ja kelle poole peaks pöörduma, et raha tagasi saada?


Odavad lennupiletid - kasutan juba pikemat aega - mugav.


Continental Airlines ei tegutse vist juba aastast 2010?


See viitab vist küll potentsiaalsele probleemile, kui ammu tegevuse lõpetanud lennufirma pileteid osta saab?


Mina ostsin sealt eelmisel aastal kaks korda lennupileteid ning kõik oli korras. Kui tekkis küsimus pagasi kohta siis vastati ka väga ruttu.
